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The Operational Activities Improvement of a Logistics Company with the Blockchain Technology Application

Student: Aida Burnasheva

Supervisor: Elena Volkova

Faculty: St.Petersburg School of Economics and Management

Educational Programme: Strategic Management in Logistics (Master)

Year of Graduation: 2024

Blockchain is attracting interest from experts in many fields. Originally associated with Bitcoin, blockchain is now spreading as a universal infrastructure technology that enables secure exchange of data and documents. However, there is a lack of scientific literature aimed at studying the impact of technology on operations and business processes of logistics and supply chains, as a result, subsequent research in this area is complicated. In this regard, the relevance of the work is due to the study of the topic of using blockchain technology in logistics and supply chains, which is in demand in practice, in order to achieve the highest level of operational efficiency, and assess the effects of using this technology. Chapter 1 of this work is devoted to the analysis of literary sources that are devoted to the issues of digital transformation of logistics, its drivers and barriers; determining the prospects for using blockchain technology in logistics and digital digital processing; studying trends and results of successful practices in implementing blockchain-based platforms in the financial sector. The second chapter reviews the practices of developing and using blockchain technologies in relation to the transport and logistics sector, analyzes and systematizes the effects of introducing the technology in question in supply chains, and also examines existing methods and approaches to assessing the efficiency and effectiveness of logistics activities. Chapter 3 presents a structural diagram for the development of a methodological approach to assessing the economic effect of the use of digital technologies in logistics; taking into account the specifics of the activities of a logistics provider, approaches to assessing the economic effect as a result of the use of blockchain have been developed; a reference and information base has been formed on the basis of which the assessment was made changes in performance indicators as a result of improved operating activities.

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