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  • Student Theses
  • Digital Protectionism as a New Form of Restrictions in International Trade (on the Example of the Policies of the European Union and the Russian Federation)

Digital Protectionism as a New Form of Restrictions in International Trade (on the Example of the Policies of the European Union and the Russian Federation)

Student: Trofimenko Yuliya

Supervisor: Irina Medvedkova

Faculty: Institute of Trade Policy

Educational Programme: International Trade Policy (Master)

Year of Graduation: 2024

This study is devoted to a comprehensive analysis of digital protectionism as a method of regulating international trade in Russia and the European Union. The paper examines the motives, tools and consequences of the use of digital barriers in these regions, taking into account their specific economic and geopolitical contexts. Special attention is paid to the comparative analysis of Russian and European digital protectionism practices, identifying similarities, differences and regulatory features in such areas as data localization, cybersecurity, e-commerce and intellectual property. The study analyzes the impact of digital protectionism on the development of international trade, innovation and competitiveness of Russia and the EU, and also examines the prospects for international cooperation in the field of digital trade regulation and digital barrier management.

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