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Emotional Labor of Female-employees of Nonprofit Organizations

Student: Kosteeva Sofya

Supervisor: Irina Lisovskaya

Faculty: Saint-Petersburg School of Social Sciences

Educational Programme: Modern Social Analysis (Master)

Final Grade: 8

Year of Graduation: 2024

A job is a place where a person spends most of their time. What does everyday work consist of? Work responsibilities, tasks, following instructions and rules, and many other routine actions. And the manifestation of emotions is no exception. O. Simonova writes that the modern labor market is characterized by emotionalization: employees are required to manage emotions, the order of manifestation of emotions in the workplace has become routine and over time has become part of professional ethics and a familiar component of labor relations [Simonova, 2023]. But what does this important component of professional activity consist of? What constructs it? In my research, I focus on how the emotional work of employees of non-profit organizations is constructed. According to 2016 data, more than 800 thousand people work in the non-profit sector in Russia [Yerofeeva, 2016], and the number of people employed in this sector continues to grow. Most of the employees are women, since historically the non–profit sector was considered as part of the sector of state social work, which is numerically dominated by women [Yarskaya-Smirnova, 2016]. By studying how emotional work manifests itself in the activities of female-employees of the non-profit sector, how it affects employee satisfaction and how it is integrated into their daily lives, it is possible to develop strategies to support employees and create a positive organizational climate.

Full text (added May 23, 2024)

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