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Customer Service Improvement via Application of Logistics Approaches

Student: Beliaeva Mariia

Supervisor: Anastasia Ivanova

Faculty: Graduate School of Business

Educational Programme: Logistics and Supply Chain Management (Bachelor)

Final Grade: 7

Year of Graduation: 2024

In 2023, the Russian labor market is facing a staffing famine, so many companies are facing difficulties with staffing. in order for a company to maintain its competitive position in the current labor market environment as an employer, it must consider, among other things, non-price ("non-payroll") methods of competition. One of such methods is the improvement of service within HR processes, including recruitment. Since the concept of service in recruitment is rather new and there is no wide conceptual and methodological apparatus, it is reasonable to refer to service practices from the areas in which this direction is developed and deeply studied. One of such areas is service in logistics and supply chain management. On the example of the process of mass recruitment of personnel of a large financial organization, solutions to improve service in the framework of personnel selection were proposed. The purpose of the work is to develop a methodology for improving the level of service in the recruitment process to increase the attractiveness of the company as an employer and increase the speed and quality of recruitment in the banking industry on the example of the industry leader. The key objectives of the work will be: to define the role of service in the recruitment process in the bank, to study the current activities of PJSC "Sberbank" in the recruitment process and identify specific problems and advantages associated with service in the recruitment process, to analyze the current state of the external environment in the labor market in Russia to identify the main competitors, threats and opportunities, to analyze the literature and practices on the topic of service, to develop a system of measures to improve the service in the recruitment process, to assess the economic efficiency of the recruitment process. The volume of the work is 93 pages, taking into account the list of literature. Dupont model was used to assess the economic impact of the proposed solutions.

Full text (added May 23, 2024)

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