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Modeling, Analysis and Optimization of Business Processes of a Children's Development Center

Student: Vanin Stepan

Supervisor: Yaroslav Vitalievich Gorchakov

Faculty: Graduate School of Business

Educational Programme: Business Informatics (Bachelor)

Year of Graduation: 2024

This thesis explores the process of modeling and optimization of business processes of children's development club "TAIS" in order to improve the efficiency of its activities. The main attention is paid to the implementation of CRM-system 1C:CRM, which involves automation of interaction with customers and optimization of internal processes of the organization. In the first chapter the theoretical foundations of business process modeling are considered, a literature review is conducted, and key approaches and notations for modeling are identified. It is revealed that business process management is an important tool for improving the efficiency of an organization, and the integration of information systems plays a significant role in this process. BPMN 2.0, EPC and IDEF0 notations, which provide unique opportunities for process visualization and analysis, are analyzed. In the second chapter a comprehensive analysis of the activities of the children's club "TAIS" is carried out, key business processes and existing problems are identified. The interviewing of employees is organized to collect relevant information about the problems in their work. Modeling methods were applied for detailed analysis of the identified problematic business processes and determination of their shortcomings. The third chapter presents the results of system selection for implementation and develops an optimized model of "To Be" processes. Implementation of 1C:CRM allowed to automate the processes of monitoring and processing of requests, which significantly increased the efficiency and quality of customer service. The economic evaluation was carried out, which showed that the implementation of the system will pay off in 4 months and will lead to a significant increase in financial stability and competitiveness of the club. The conclusion summarizes the results of the study, confirms the achievement of the goals and objectives, and offers recommendations for further improvement of business processes in the children's club "TAIS". The thesis contains 64 pages, 4 figures, 17 tables and 28 sources of literature.

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