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Transformation of the Nuclear Nonproliferation Regime (Cases of India, Pakistan, and China)

Student: Dobritsyn Andrey

Supervisor: Olga Kharina

Faculty: Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs

Educational Programme: Socioeconomic and Political Development of Modern Asia (Master)

Final Grade: 10

Year of Graduation: 2024

Although the nuclear non-proliferation regime continues to be widely examined by a variety of experts, there has been a lack of discussion regarding the collective impact of India, Pakistan, and China on the evolution of the regime. Scientists tend to focus on the individual influence of each nation on the proliferation of nuclear weapons or simply consider the overall role of nuclear escalation and deterrence caused by the actions of these countries in the process leading to the signing of the NPT and further establishment of nuclear non-proliferation measures. For this reason, it is essential not to separate the evolution of the nuclear non-proliferation regime from the conceptualization and development of nuclear programmes in India, Pakistan, and China, as well as their different approaches and attitudes towards nuclear weapons. These factors have led to a shared understanding of the negative consequences of nuclear proliferation, encouraging these countries to cooperate in the field and objectively influence the regime. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the significance of India, Pakistan, and China within the context of the reconfiguration of the global nuclear non-proliferation framework. The results of the study supported the hypothesis, indicating that, although the individual impact of the nuclear developments of India, Pakistan, and China caused by the security dilemma that encourages them to consider the use of nuclear weapons is relatively minor and inconsequential within the broader context of the nuclear non-proliferation regime, the cumulative effect of their attempts to undermine the regime and its fundamental principles was significant.

Full text (added May 25, 2024)

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