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New Organization Activity Development Project

Student: Anna Kipina

Supervisor: Karina A. Alenina

Faculty: Faculty of Management

Educational Programme: Business Administration (Bachelor)

Year of Graduation: 2024

At present, the IT services market is highly competitive, so to maintain a stable position, companies must maintain the high quality of their product. One of the most important elements in the formation of a company's final product is its employees: the higher their qualifications and skills, the higher the quality of the final result. For the effective process of optimizing this element, companies create separate organizational cells - Training Centers - aimed primarily at improving hard-skills of the company's employees. First of all, it is important when training employees in the work on the final product: it is more productive to independently train personnel in the skills required in their work than to outsource training. It is unprofitable for a company to keep employees for a long time, during which they will understand the specifics of working on the product, it is more productive to teach them to do it themselves, thus getting them involved in the work process faster. In 2023, Grindata, a software development company, faced the following problem: the positive dynamics of bugs on the platform, which can negatively affect the final result and the loss of reputation and customers. To solve this problem, a Training Center was created; first of all, its task was to improve employees' skills in working with the platform in order to minimize the problem with the occurrence of errors. However, this was not enough: the number of errors continued to grow every month. This work is aimed at solving problems related to the process of employee training in order to ultimately improve their skills, thereby reducing the number of errors in the final product. As a solution, a project for the development of the Training Center direction, namely, the process of employee training was developed. For this purpose, the current training process was analyzed, its main problems and shortcomings were identified. In the end, together with the company's employees, a project for the development of this element was developed, which is currently in the implementation phase. As a result of this project it is planned to increase the level of knowledge of employees, which will reduce the number of errors arising as a result of their work.

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