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Existence Guilt

Student: Boyko Lyudmila

Supervisor: Maria Chershintseva

Faculty: Faculty of Social Sciences

Educational Programme: Psychoanalysis and Psychoanalytical Psychotherapy (Master)

Final Grade: 9

Year of Graduation: 2024

Annotation In 1929, Ferenczi (1929) describes several cases of unwanted children who live their lives in the grip of a death wish, mostly depressed, which contradicts the pleasure principle described by Freud. Freud drew attention to this earlier, in 1916, using the example of literary works, he described situations in which people who sought to get what they wanted by any means, including those of a criminal nature, having got it, could not afford to have it (Freud, 1916 ). Freud, observing these subjects, analyzing this paradox, came to the conclusion that unconscious guilt, which occurred because of the crime committed in order to get it, did not allow him to master what he wanted. Analytical work demonstrated in dissimilar cases one similar tendency, a certain power of conscience that prohibits a person from enjoying what he received. The phenomenon of unconscious guilt in psychoanalytic discourse is one of the fundamental concepts. The concept of "unconscious guilt" haunted Freud throughout his life. In a sense, we can view Freud's work and psychoanalysis in general as a discourse of unconscious guilt. The life of the category of people studied in this work, gripped by unconscious guilt, consists of suffering and its maintenance. They resist any positive changes in their lives. Due to the fact that their birth was not desired by the mother, unconscious guilt for their own birth is installed in the psyche of these children, and, accordingly, they have no rights to exist. Since guilt goes hand in hand with the need for punishment, this circumstance determines the behavioral patterns of these individuals, which, as a consequence, in this case are characterized by gross masochistic tendencies and resistance to therapy. This connection is illustrated in clinical examples presented in the empirical part of this work.

Full text (added May 24, 2024)

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