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Imagination (Fantasies) as a Reflection of the Client’s Unconscious and a Tool for Psychoanalytic Coaching

Student: Viulkova Zoya

Supervisor: Mikhail Stavissky

Faculty: Faculty of Social Sciences

Educational Programme: Psychoanalysis and Psychoanalytic Business Consulting (Master)

Year of Graduation: 2024

Imagination or fantasy can act as a powerful tool in the coaching process, as they are able to reflect the subconscious thoughts, emotions and aspirations of the client. Immersing the client in his own fantasies can help reveal hidden beliefs, fears and desires that influence his behavior and decision-making. In the course of interacting with fantasies, the coach can make it easier for the client to explore new perspectives, rethink existing problems from alternative positions and develop innovative approaches to solving them. For example, using visualization techniques, the client can imagine himself in the desired future or successfully coping with a problem, which can contribute to the development of an action strategy to achieve goals. Thus, the use of imagination in the context of coaching can be very useful for unlocking the potential of the client, overcoming obstacles and achieving ambitious results. The task of the study. The use of imagination in coaching is of interest to the author due to the fact that he has observed the effectiveness of working with client images that are generated using imagination based on the client's feelings. According to the author's observations, imagination, along with dreams and metaphors, can be an effective tool for cognition of the unconscious and an element for transformations, as well as a way to work with resistances. The limitless field of the unconscious opens up with less resistance because rationality is minimized. In the empirical part of the study, the author described two cases where imagination was used to identify the image necessary to work with the client's request

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