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The Body as a Scene for Archaic Processes

Student: Anisya Ananeva

Supervisor: Vitalina Chibis

Faculty: Faculty of Social Sciences

Educational Programme: Psychoanalysis and Psychoanalytical Psychotherapy (Master)

Final Grade: 9

Year of Graduation: 2024

The work examines the theoretical views of leading psychoanalysts on the formation of the psyche, covers the formation of the psyche and functioning in the early stages of development, and also reveals the concepts of the mechanisms of the functioning of the psyche associated with archaic processes. The work describs a client case, on the example of which it was possible to consider the features of the somatic manifestations of archaic processes in connection with the functioning of the psyche. Based on the considered theoretical concepts of archaic processes and their manifestations in the body, an analysis of a clinical case was carried out. The features of the somatic manifestations of archaic processes were examined in connection with the functioning of the psyche, which is characterized by the diffuseness of the boundaries between the Self and the non-Self and also the tendency to build so-called allergic relationships. The need for reliance on the maternal object and, at the same time, the desire to separate from it, as well as narcissistic triumph over the object as a defense against unbearable early experiences, were identified. There is a connection between somatic symptoms and the desire to gain clearer boundaries, as well as to express one’s self, causing strong shame, and the expression of which is prohibited by the archaic super-ego.

Full text (added May 25, 2024)

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