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Coaching for Team and Project Development

Student: Barynkin Nikita

Supervisor: Yulia Chilipenok

Faculty: Faculty of Management (Nizhny Novgorod)

Educational Programme: Business Administration (Bachelor)

Year of Graduation: 2024

The topic chosen for investigation in this graduation thesis represents a pertinent issue in contemporary business, where effective team and project management emerge as pivotal factors for organizational success. Collaboration and collective work have become essential prerequisites for achieving set objectives. Efficient teams capable of achieving results and addressing assigned tasks serve as the foundation of companies' competitiveness. However, the formation and development of such teams require a comprehensive approach and constitute a complex process. Coaching in the context of team development serves as a powerful tool, contributing not only to the improvement of collective work but also to the development of each participant's potential. The principles of coaching are based on the idea of personal development through self-awareness, self-reflection, and self-improvement. Through various exercises and feedback, a coach assists team members in unlocking their potential, developing leadership qualities, enhancing communication, and managing conflicts. In the context of project management, where limited resources, tight deadlines, and uncertainty are frequently encountered, coaching also plays a significant role. Support from a coach aids managers and project participants in effectively addressing challenges, overcoming obstacles, and achieving set goals. Furthermore, coaching fosters the development of project thinking, improvement of planning and time management, and enhancement of the overall project culture within the organization. It is also noteworthy that this study was conducted across 68 pages utilizing 40 sources, encompassing 12 figures, 9 tables, and 1 appendix. The aim of this research is to develop coaching and implement it for the development of teams and projects within the Vitex Group of Companies. The theoretical methods employed in this research include literature review and comparative analysis. Practical research methods comprise observations, surveys, and case studies. Within the first chapter, which presents the theoretical aspects of coaching application, the concept and essence of coaching, its types, and an evaluation of the role of coaching in the development of teams and projects are examined. In the second chapter, which analyzes the peculiarities of applying coaching for the development of teams and projects using the example of the Vitex Group of Companies, the company's activities are described, teams and current projects are scrutinized, and a coaching system within the company (including descriptions of specific coaching methods and tools) is developed for subsequent implementation. The third chapter, dedicated to defining the outcomes of coaching implementation for the development of teams and projects, involves the analysis of obtained data and interpretation of results within the Vitex Group of Companies, as well as identification of further perspectives for coaching application in the development of teams and projects within the Vitex Group of Companies.

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