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Designing an interactive environment for students of a middle school in a collaboration tool

Student: Leonid Bashmanov

Supervisor: Alena Suvorova

Faculty: St. Petersburg School of Physics, Mathematics, and Computer Science

Educational Programme: UX Analytics and Information System Design (Master)

Year of Graduation: 2024

The work is devoted to the design of an interactive environment for students of a middle school in a collaboration tool. The features of the selection and use of tools in the design of the interaction environment are investigated. The theoretical and methodological foundations of the development of interaction environment design tools were studied. The author has selected, justified and verified through a user interview the tools for designing the interaction environment. Recommendations were formulated based on the results of the work: use basic tools and functions, rely on three types of communication (text, voice, visualization) with a mandatory text element in case of equipment failure, provide hints for inexperienced users, ensure that the environment corresponds to the real world (backgrounds, templates, etc.), etc. The research was carried out jointly with the Laboratory of Sociology in Education and Science as part of a project dedicated to the study of mutual assistance practices among students.

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