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Psychoanalytic Aspects of the Implementation of Mentoring in Organizations

Student: Shurenkova Elena

Supervisor: Mikhail Stavissky

Faculty: Faculty of Social Sciences

Educational Programme: Psychoanalysis and Psychoanalytic Business Consulting (Master)

Year of Graduation: 2024

This graduation thesis is dedicated to the study of psychoanalytic aspects of mentoring implementation in organizations. The aim of the thesis is to analyze and compare the effectiveness of psychoanalytic mentoring with the classical approach within the context of organizational dynamics and the psychological states of mentors and mentees throughout all stages of implementation. The main tasks include a theoretical analysis of psychoanalytic theories within the context of mentoring and an empirical study on the impact of training mentors in the fundamentals of psychoanalysis on the effectiveness of the mentoring process. The research methodology encompassed qualitative and quantitative methods, including longitudinal studies of organizational dynamics, textual analysis, surveys, interviews, and case study analyses of mentoring pairs in practice. The focus of the thesis is on analyzing unconscious mechanisms that affect the behavior and interaction between mentor and mentee. The authors thoroughly describe how understanding hidden motives and emotional experiences by participants in psychoanalytic mentoring facilitates the creation of robust and productive relationships, which in turn stimulates their personal and professional growth. The research results demonstrated that the psychoanalytic approach in mentoring fosters a deeper understanding of participants' motivations, ensures their psychological well-being, and reduces the level of anxiety and conflicts not only among participants in psychoanalytic mentoring but also within the organizational system as a whole. The authors confirmed the hypothesis that incorporating psychoanalytic aspects into mentoring enhances its effectiveness compared to traditional methods.

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