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Psychoanalytical Review of Female Sexual and Gynecologic Disorders

Student: Golovina Mariia

Supervisor: Olga Chekunkova

Faculty: Faculty of Social Sciences

Educational Programme: Psychoanalysis and Psychoanalytical Psychotherapy (Master)

Final Grade: 10

Year of Graduation: 2024

The hypothesis of the study suggests that female sexual and gynecological disorders are the result of deep mental processes, including primary and secondary identification, neurotic and borderline hysteria, deficit narcissism and oedipal conflict. This leads to rejection of the feminine and forms conversion and somatic symptoms such as frigidity, vaginismus, infertility, endometriosis and others. The research is based on the works of outstanding masters of psychoanalysis, such as Freud Z., Shaffer J., Horney K., Pines D., McDougall D., Zetzel E., Green A., and many others. The practical part examines the biography of Marilyn Monroe, which shows how early childhood traumas can lead to a bright hysterical facade hiding deep essential depression, deficit narcissism and violations of female identity. From the point of view of practical significance, the materials and conclusions of the study will be useful not only for psychoanalytic therapists, but also for every woman faced with frigidity, vaginismus, infertility, endometriosis and other sexual and gynecological disorders. This study is a valuable resource for women facing a variety of sexual problems, including sexual drive dysfunction, orgasm disorders, and painful intercourse. It also provides important information and support to those women who have gynecological problems affecting their reproductive function and affecting their ability to conceive, which may be directly related to infertility or other disorders in the normal functioning of the female body. This research can be a support for women around the world, allowing them to feel that they are not alone with their difficulties.

Full text (added May 26, 2024)

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