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The Influence of Personal and Organizational Factors on the Burnout of Men Executives: a Psychoanalytical View

Student: Moiseenkova Ol`ga

Supervisor: Ekaterina Shapovalova

Faculty: Faculty of Social Sciences

Educational Programme: Psychoanalysis and Psychoanalytic Business Consulting (Master)

Year of Graduation: 2024

The master's thesis is devoted to the study of the influence of organizational and individual factors on the burnout of male managers, in particular, the work formed and confirmed the hypothesis that professional burnout is determined not only by the level of physical and emotional fatigue, but also by relationships with a senior (significant) figure in the case of the unreliable type attachment, on the basis of which early maladaptive patterns are formed that contribute to building relationships with her through a certain type of behavior. The study was conducted using the method of socioanalytic interview with questions aimed at clarifying and clarifying the material collected during the data collection procedure in the following areas: burnout (physical and emotional fatigue, loss of meaning), attachment (ability to ask for help, trust, emotional openness, personal space, the role of a significant figure) and RDS (self-sacrifice, strict standards, seeking approval, humility). The subject of the study was the presence and severity of professional burnout of the research subjects, their type of attachment, as well as the presence of certain early maladaptive schemes. The practical significance of the work lies in the author’s unification and comprehensive consideration of the mutual connections between the phenomena of professional burnout, basic emotional needs and the insecure attachment type and early maladaptive patterns formed in case of their dissatisfaction, which allows us to identify the causes of professional burnout that are not taken into account by traditional methods of its diagnosis, and, as a result, to formulate effective strategies for minimizing the negative effects of professional burnout not only for employees, but also for the business as a whole.

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