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Cross-Cultural Analysis of Travel Blogs (Case Study of English and Russian)

Student: Aslonkulova Shokhina

Supervisor: Elena Styrina

Faculty: School of Foreign Languages

Educational Programme: Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication (Bachelor)

Year of Graduation: 2024

This thesis is dedicated to the issue of cross-cultural features of travel blogs, considering them as a multi-discursive and multi-genre phenomenon. The relevance of the work is determined by the necessity for a deep understanding of how cultural differences influence the perception and representation of travel in the online environment. The study addresses aspects of intercultural communication such as language barriers, national characteristics, and differences in business ethics, which are essential for creating an atmosphere of mutual understanding and respect. The online space is characterized by unique features such as equality of opportunities, anonymity, psychological freedom, and self-expression. These features contribute to the formation of a unique digital identity distinct from the real one. The study analyzes Russian and English-language travel blogs to identify and examine their cross-cultural characteristics. The aim of the research is to identify and analyze various cross-cultural characteristics of travel blogs. To achieve this aim, the following tasks were set: to familiarize with the scientific literature on internet discourse, to study the genre and linguistic features of travel blogs, and to conduct a comparative analysis of travel blogs in Russian-speaking and English-speaking cultures. The research methods include descriptive, comparative, semantic analysis, and content analysis. The theoretical significance of the research lies in identifying and analyzing the cross-cultural characteristics of travel blogs in Russian and English. The practical significance lies in the potential application of the results in teaching courses on general linguistics, translation theory, and practical disciplines such as "Practice of Intercultural Communication" and "Practical Course of Foreign Language." The structure of the work includes an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, and a bibliography. The research material comprised 50 popular travel blogs, selected based on content, posting frequency, and the presence of photo and video materials. The study examined the features of internet discourse and genres of internet communication, as well as the specific traits of personal travel blogs.

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