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  • Сomparative Study of the Linguistic Features of Marketing Communication Advertising Strategies of Chinese and German Companies

Сomparative Study of the Linguistic Features of Marketing Communication Advertising Strategies of Chinese and German Companies

Student: Vyshegorodtseva Anastasiia


Faculty: School of Foreign Languages

Educational Programme: Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication (Bachelor)

Year of Graduation: 2024

With an emphasis on the fast-food sector, this study examines the language characteristics and promotional tactics used by German and Chinese businesses. In order to comprehend the cultural context of linguistic decisions, it examines advertising materials from both nations using the Lewis model of cultures and Hofstede's theory of cultural dimensions. The research illustrates the ways in which marketing communication methods differ and overlap between the two nations, showing how language choices in advertising are influenced by cultural norms. The study concludes with a discussion of the key takeaways and potential implications for businesses operating in global markets. Keywords: marketing communication, advertising strategies, linguistic features, cross-cultural communication, fast-food industry, intercultural communication.

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