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Surreal Elements in the Works of Jean Cocteau

Student: Zhakhonotinkhon Abdullakhuzhaeva

Supervisor: Dimitri Tokarev

Faculty: School of Arts and Humanities

Educational Programme: Philology (Bachelor)

Year of Graduation: 2024

This work is devoted to the study of surrealist elements in the work of Jean Cocteau, one of the outstanding representatives of the French avant-garde of the 20th century. This work examines various aspects of surrealism, including its basic principles and methods, as well as the influence of this movement on Cocteau's literary and cinematic works. The purpose of the study is to analyze and interpret the surrealist elements present in the works of Jean Cocteau, with an emphasis on their symbolism, imagery and themes. Particular attention is paid to such works as the novel “The Terrible Children”, the play “The Infernal Machine”, as well as the films “The Blood of a Poet”, “Orpheus” and “The Testament of Orpheus”. To achieve the set goals, the following methods were used in the work: analytical, comparative, historical, cultural and semiotic analysis. The results of the study highlight the uniqueness of Jean Cocteau's artistic techniques and philosophical ideas, his significance for the surrealist movement and his influence on subsequent generations of artists and writers.

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