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The Phenomenon of Aggression as a Destructive Principle in the Problem of Leadership

Student: Bukhalov Yaroslav

Supervisor: Mikhail Stavissky

Faculty: Faculty of Social Sciences

Educational Programme: Psychoanalysis and Psychoanalytic Business Consulting (Master)

Final Grade: 8

Year of Graduation: 2024

The phenomenon of leadership is a natural socio-psychological process that occurs within a group of individuals. It is based on the influence that a leader's personal authority has on the behaviors of group members. This influence is expressed through the leader's actions and words, which can change the thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and attitudes of those around them. A leader's influence can be positive or negative, depending on how they use their authority. Positive leaders inspire and motivate others, while negative leaders use their power to exert destructive influence on group members. This can be seen in the behavior of leaders in sectarian communities, where they often use aggressive and destructive methods to control and manipulate others. The author of this paper has chosen to investigate the phenomenon of leadership and aggression in sectarian groups using examples from cinema. This approach adds to the novelty and significance of the work, as it provides a unique perspective on the topic. The conclusions and results of the study have significant implications for understanding processes in various communities, including Russian business representatives. Given the increasing manifestations of destructive aggression in Russian society and the complexities associated with global uncertainty, the findings of the research will be particularly relevant. The practical value of the work lies in its potential application in personal, organizational, and group settings, to mitigate the impact of destructive management decisions on businesses and teams. The causes of these problems often stem from internal conflicts linked to leadership personalities and episodes of aggressive behavior that can lead to business destruction. This affects not only leaders but also their followers and supporters.

Full text (added May 27, 2024)

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