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Correlation of Creativity Level and Students' Performance in Mathematics in Grade 9

Student: Chausova Vladimira

Supervisor: Nadezhda Avdeenko

Faculty: Institute of Education

Educational Programme: Pedagogy (Master)

Year of Graduation: 2024

The topic of this academic work is «Correlation of Creativity Level and Students' Performance in Mathematics in Grade 9». This study examines the relationship between creativity and students' performance in math lessons. The purpose of the work is to explore the connection between the level of creativity of students and their academic performance in math lessons. The study provides a concept described by E. I. Shcheblanova in the book "Unsuccessful Gifted Schoolchildren", which serves as a basis for analysis and comprehension the problem under study. To diagnose the creativity of students' thinking, a version of the E. P. Torrens test (verbal battery) is taken as a basis. The verbal part of the methodology consists of seven subtests aimed at measuring various aspects of verbal creativity. The results of testing are presented, with the help of which the strengths and weaknesses of each student's creative thinking are revealed. The relationship between the level of creativity of students and their academic performance in math lessons is evaluated by analyzing the results of focus groups and deriving a statistical indicator between these two variables - the correlation coefficient.

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