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  • Programming Training Module for the 5th-6th Grade Computer Science Discipline Based on Narrative Game Design Methods

Programming Training Module for the 5th-6th Grade Computer Science Discipline Based on Narrative Game Design Methods

Student: Elena Busarova

Supervisor: Olga V. Maksimenkova

Faculty: Institute of Education

Educational Programme: Pedagogy (Master)

Final Grade: 8

Year of Graduation: 2024

Research on gamification in education shows better effectiveness when narrative, game mechanics, and educational goals are linked. To organize such connections, narrative gamedesign is applied to the design of game experiences. This master's thesis investigates the application of narrative gamedesign methods to the creation of a programming instructional module for students in grades 5-6. The relevance of the study is to enhance learning through a holistic approach to integrating elements of narrative gamedesign into the design of educational experiences. The work utilizes the SAM model for rapid design and iterative course development. The work resulted in the creation of a four-lesson course for 5th-6th grade students in the subject of Computer Science based on design methods. Pilot testing results demonstrated the effectiveness of the course and allowed for the formulation of areas for improvement, such as increasing the complexity of the tasks, improving communication, and expanding the course. The study of narrative gameplay design opens perspectives for further development in the field of educational course design.

Full text (added May 27, 2024)

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