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  • Student Theses
  • A Study of Trainer’s Leadership Style and It’s Influence on the Performance of a Dance Team in a Process of Competition

A Study of Trainer’s Leadership Style and It’s Influence on the Performance of a Dance Team in a Process of Competition

Student: Bogomiagkova Aleksandra

Supervisor: Andrey V. Rossokhin

Faculty: Faculty of Social Sciences

Educational Programme: Psychoanalysis and Psychoanalytic Business Consulting (Master)

Final Grade: 9

Year of Graduation: 2024

Dance is an ever-transforming product of activity, and as it is worked on, its perception and relevance changes due to the enormous competition. Some industry representatives are concerned about what qualities a team leader should possess so that the team is constantly relevant to any audience perception and systematically wins championships. In its relevance, the master's thesis is based on current trends in the dance community: multitasking and the roles of the coach in the team; subordination in the dance team; roles beyond the performance; evaluation criteria at championships and how to build a performance to always be on top. The main aim of the paper is to explore the leadership style of a coach and form strategies to build an effective workflow and improve the quality of the performance. Through the study of a context of a dance industry; a connection between the coach's personality and leadership style, an extent to which group dynamics influences the training process; an emotional burden of the leadership role - the paper provided theoretical justifications for the mutual influence of the coach and the team have on each other. Empirical data in the form of the result of individual sessions with team leaders allowed us to form conclusions about group dynamics in the studied teams; its influence on the leaders; leadership style; and pre-edipal relationships, which are reflected in the training process in the form of transference and countertransference.

Full text (added May 27, 2024)

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