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Psychoanalytic Aspects of the Biopsychosocial Model Using the Example of Nutrition Counselling

Student: Gorshukova Yulia

Supervisor: Svetlana Fedorova

Faculty: Faculty of Social Sciences

Educational Programme: Psychoanalysis and Psychoanalytic Business Consulting (Master)

Final Grade: 10

Year of Graduation: 2024

The purpose of the master's thesis research is to theoretically substantiate and empirically identify the relevance of the biopsychosocial model through the prism of psychoanalysis using the example of nutritional counseling, as well as the effectiveness of the practical application of this model in nutritional counseling practice when working with clients in a psychoanalytic approach. The objects of research when writing the work are the biopsychosocial model in the psychoanalytic paradigm, the importance of possession of psychoanalytic knowledge by specialists in nutritional counseling, the validity and result of using the capabilities and provisions of the nutritional concept for specialists in psychoanalytic business consulting. The subject of the study is the validity and applicability of systemic knowledge both for specialists in psychoanalytic business consulting and for specialists in nutritional practice with the aim of their full and comprehensive support and implementation of the declared concept of the integrative approach. The theoretical part examines: the relationship between the biopsychosocial approach, psychoanalysis and nutritional science, aspects of psychosomatic manifestations in the context of the psychoanalytic approach, the applied data of psychoanalysis in nutritional science and the validity of the integrative approach using nutritional knowledge in psychoanalytic business consulting. The empirical part examines practical work with clients of nutritional practice, specialists in nutritional counseling, as well as clients of psychoanalytic business consulting using a biopsychosocial approach. The structure of this master's thesis consists of Introduction, Theoretical chapter (Chapter 1), Empirical chapter (Chapter 2), Conclusions to the theoretical and empirical chapters of the study, Conclusion, References and Appendix, set out on 65 pages of text. The work contains 1 schematic image. The number of literature sources used is 34, of which 17 are in Russian and 17 in English. The particular value and novelty, studied in the theoretical part and substantiated empirically, lies in the following conclusions: 1) the biopsychosocial model is practically applicable for specialists in psychoanalytic counseling and specialists in nutritional practice; 2) expanding the field of knowledge in the field of psychoanalysis for specialists in nutritional practice and expanding the field of knowledge for specialists in psychoanalytic business consulting, or the interaction of these related specialties, provides a deep and comprehensive approach to the true homeostatic state of the client, having a positive impact on both the professional identity of specialists and the improvement their importance in a professional environment, and on optimizing clients’ time; 3) the ability to pay attention to the somatic component of mental processes plays an important role for the effectiveness of nutritional and coaching activities, increasing internal resources and the quality of services provided. 4) the introduction of supervision practices into the practice of nutritional counseling will contribute to a deep understanding of each individual case, consideration of it in different planes and attentive attitude to the specialist’s own feelings, which will allow a preventive approach to the issues of professional burnout, strengthen his authority and develop professional identity. Key words: psychoanalysis, psychoanalytic business consulting, biopsychosocial model, psychosomatics, nutritional medicine, naturopathy, supervision practices, resistance, protection, integrity, integrative approach, burnout, stress.

Full text (added May 27, 2024)

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