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Development of Taxi Rides Optimization Service

Student: Dmitriy Matov

Supervisor: Sergey Pavlovich Skulkin

Faculty: Faculty of Informatics, Mathematics, and Computer Science (HSE Nizhny Novgorod)

Educational Programme: Software Engineering (Bachelor)

Year of Graduation: 2024

Despite the convenience and popularity of taxi services, users still face the task of optimizing their trips in terms of saving time and money. Given the constant increase in fares and different pricing policies of companies, some users are looking for ways to save money on trips. This is especially true in large cities, where moving by taxi is a frequent necessity. In this regard, the idea arose to develop a service that would help users optimize their taxi rides. In the process, we will analyze the taxi market and the work of researchers in this area in order to identify potential ways to optimize the cost of a trip on the part of the user. We strive to offer a new approach that can lead to lower taxi costs and improve accessibility of this type of transport to a wider audience.

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