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  • Transformation of Designers' Professional Complex in the Context of the Generative Artificial Intelligence Spreading (the Case of Image Generation)

Transformation of Designers' Professional Complex in the Context of the Generative Artificial Intelligence Spreading (the Case of Image Generation)

Student: Dilyara Syubaeva

Supervisor: Oxana Mikhaylova

Faculty: Faculty of Social Sciences

Educational Programme: Sociology (Bachelor)

Final Grade: 8

Year of Graduation: 2024

The introduction of generative artificial intelligence (AI) into people’s professional complex is actively gaining popularity in modern world. This trend also affected the creative sphere of labor, in which it influenced the perception of professions by their representatives and entailed the threat of replacing human services by turning buyers of their labor products directly to AI tools. This paper analyzes Russian graphic designers’ points of view about the changes that have occurred in their profession and practices as a result of the spread of neural networks with the function of image generation on the market. As a part of the research, a mixed methodology is used: desk research as a preliminary stage to get acquainted with the offer of generative AI tools on the Russian design market, and also, as the main stage, thematic analysis of in-depth semi-structured interviews with 15 Russian graphic designers for whom working in this sphere is the main source of income. The results show that, despite the high quality of generation results that neural networks can provide to users at the moment, designers are not concerned about the loss of relevance of their profession, since they perceive generative AI as a tool, the use of which has a positive effect on the speed and quality of their work, as well as helps to develop visual experience. In addition, informants highly appreciate the importance of improving skills in working with neural networks in order to strengthen their position in the design market and minimize the risk of being forced out of it by more competent specialists. The analysis highlights the need for further study of the interaction between humans and robotic technologies in the labor market and contributes to the sociological understanding of the involvement of AI tools in the creative industry professions.

Full text (added May 29, 2024)

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