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Comprehensive Communication Strategy for Supporting the Sberbank "SberUniversity" Brand

Student: Albina Bairamova


Faculty: Faculty of Creative Industries

Educational Programme: Strategic Communications Management (Master)

Year of Graduation: 2024

As part of the project, a comprehensive analysis of the SberUniversity brand was carried out. The business goal of the study is to increase profits in 2024 by saving on attracting and retaining employees with families in the company. An analysis was made of the trends and tendencies of the object in the market, risk analysis, SWOT analysis, etc. The goals and objectives of the project were also outlined, communication channels were worked out, the target audience was determined, campaign success metrics were determined, a media plan, an estimate and a calendar plan for the communication strategy were drawn up, creative solutions developed, etc. The result of a comprehensive communication strategy: the audience of SberBank has formed an opinion that regular attendance at SberUniversity family events helps in the development of a child.

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