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Comprehensive Communication Strategy for Brand Support National Education Publishing House

Student: Afonyashin Nikita


Faculty: Faculty of Creative Industries

Educational Programme: Strategic Communications Management (Master)

Final Grade: 7

Year of Graduation: 2024

A quantitative study was conducted to understand the preferences of target audiences in selecting educational literature on marketplaces. The purpose of the study was to test two hypotheses: The target audiences prefer to purchase educational literature on marketplaces over retail stores. The determining factor in choosing educational literature on marketplaces is reviews and evaluations of other users. Both hypotheses were confirmed during the research and were taken into account when developing a communication strategy including goals, objectives and segmentation of the target audience. The project developed an activity and media plan for 12 months, including various sales channels and tools. The expected cumulative reach of the campaign is 33 million people, with 300,000 new purchases of the publisher's products forecasted. Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

Full text (added May 30, 2024)

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