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  • Implementation of Artificial Intelligence in Recruitment and Human Resource Management Processes: Experience and Expectations of Employees and Managers

Implementation of Artificial Intelligence in Recruitment and Human Resource Management Processes: Experience and Expectations of Employees and Managers

Student: Paula Bulat

Supervisor: Denis Strebkov

Faculty: Faculty of Social Sciences

Educational Programme: Sociology (Bachelor)

Year of Graduation: 2024

The modern era characterized by the emergence and integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and intelligent systems is often referred to as Industry 4.0. This term encapsulates the fourth industrial revolution-concept that heralds a significant transformation in the way industries operate on a global scale (Kagermann et al., 2013). The impact of generative artificial intelligence(AI) on people's lives has been growing steadily over the last two decades and is expected to become even more global in the near future: for example, the impact of AI is already having an impact on companies' business processes, particularly in the HR field. However, the problematic situation is that the predominant part of the literature devoted directly to the integration of artificial intelligence technologies into the work environment, as a rule, although emphasizing the importance of a versatile approach to the development and implementation of innovative solutions based on artificial intelligence, focuses only on the long-term problems arising from the introduction of this technology, rather than on specific recommendations for adapting employees to new working conditions. Studying the implementation of generative artificial intelligence into the work routine of HR recruiters is important to understand the evolutionary impact of AI on the labor market, the challenges and opportunities it creates, and how HR professionals can adapt to this trend. Thus, the key research

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