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  • HSE University
  • Student Theses
  • The Relationship Between Objective and Subjective Factors of Migration Processes in the Post-War Years in the Molotov Region

The Relationship Between Objective and Subjective Factors of Migration Processes in the Post-War Years in the Molotov Region

Student: Mariya Andriyanova

Supervisor: Anna S. Kimerling

Faculty: Faculty of Computer Science, Economics, and Social Sciences

Educational Programme: History (Bachelor)

Year of Graduation: 2024

The diploma paper examines the processes of post-war migrations to the Molotov Oblast. Particular attention is paid to analysing the correlation between the historical field of power claims for comprehensive control over the implementation of resettlement processes and the everyday tactics of ordinary people, including migrants and executors of guiding instructions. These individuals interpreted power impulses in their own way and adjusted them to their needs. A person, being under the influence of state forces, is compelled to act in accordance with the conditions defined by the power. However, due to the psychology of the individual, the power of the powerful is circumvented. The results of the study demonstrated the frequency of such tactics, with the reasons for which varying from area of application. These included coordination of money, sending resettlers and commissioners to the field, ensuring living and labour conditions, and etc. Humans, as adaptive-unadaptive beings, are able to transcend the limitations of initial regulations, relying on themselves to generate actions that diverge from the original target orientations. The findings of the study were presented at international and all-Russian academic conferences, and the results are published in scientific journals.

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