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Development of an Internal Analytics System for the Automatic Homework Checking Service

Student: Dikov Artem

Supervisor: Elena Kantonistova

Faculty: Faculty of Computer Science

Educational Programme: Machine Learning and Data-Intensive Systems (Master)

Final Grade: 9

Year of Graduation: 2024

This work is devoted to the development of an internal analytics system for the homework checking web service Apricot. The main goal of the work is to develop convenient and easy-to-use analytical diagrams and integrate them into the Apricot web service. This will allow teachers to view learning analytics for their courses quickly and easily. The work results are an API (application program interface), which provides study course analytics, and charts for viewing this analytical information, integrated into the Apricot web service. Further work in the area of internal analytics may include developing a monitoring system for technical information such as the number of requests to the web service, the number of tasks in the task queue, and server health such as CPU load and memory usage.

Full text (added June 2, 2024)

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