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Analysis of User Experience in Terms of Gamification in Education for Bank Employees

Student: Andronova Kseniya

Supervisor: Elena Dimova

Faculty: Graduate School of Business

Educational Programme: Management and Digital Innovation (Bachelor)

Year of Graduation: 2024

The rapid evolution of technology forces banks to look for innovative approaches for the staff development to maintain talent, stay competitive and simplify the knowledge processing in a constantly changing environment. Gamification has become one of the most popular ways of reaching these goals. This thesis explores the user experience in terms of gamification application to the bank employee education programs focusing on Bank X. The research utilizes ARCS framework in a mixed-methods approach to evaluate efficacy of gamification in improving employee engagement and satisfaction. The findings highlight the crucial mechanisms of gamification as well as factors influencing its successful implementation. The research highlights the limitations of gamification implementation in terms of bank security restrictions as well. The thesis contributes to the research gap about user experience in terms of gamified education of bank employees by providing insights from the Bank X case by analyzing its strengths and weaknesses as well as providing practical recommendations for improvements and implementation of gamified elements. This knowledge is vital for Bank X in terms of the development of gamified educational programs as well as it might be used by other financial institutions for their internal improvement.

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