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Methods of Analysis in the School Physics

Student: Alina Bortnikova


Faculty: Faculty of Physics

Educational Programme: Physics (Bachelor)

Final Grade: 8

Year of Graduation: 2024

In the school educational system, there is a mismatch between the content of mathematics and physics curricula. As a result, teachers have to limit themselves to superficial explanations of mathematical aspects applied in the context of physical phenomena, which can lead to incomplete assimilation of physical processes and laws of physics by students. This final qualification paper investigates the use of mathematical analysis methods in a school physics course. The study revealed an interdisciplinary gap between physics and mathematics programmes, which makes it difficult for students to understand the interrelationships between these subjects. To solve this problem, a course for pupils in grades 9-11 was developed, including a selection of physics problems solved with the use of mathematical apparatus. The course consists of the following sections: "Derivatives and differentiation", "Integration" and "Solving differential equations". Grade 9 students were also selected to participate in the testing of a set of problems on the topic "Derivatives and differentiation". The paper contains theoretical foundations of the interdisciplinary approach in education, a description of the structure and content of the developed course, as well as an analysis of the results of approbation.

Full text (added June 5, 2024)

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