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Nine Greek Lyrics: the Problem of Shaping the Canon

Student: Allamuratov Arsen

Supervisor: Olga Akhunova

Faculty: Faculty of Humanities

Educational Programme: Classical Studies (Bachelor)

Final Grade: 9

Year of Graduation: 2024

This thesis is dedicated to the so-called canon of the Nine Lyrics, which included nine archaic poets. It is traditionally believed that this canon was formed by Hellenistic philologists in the Library of Alexandria in the 3rd century BC, as our earliest source, an anonymous epigram from the Greek Anthology (AG 9. 184) (3rd-2nd century BC), shows. However, the process of canon formation itself may have been quite long, and modern researchers have been inclined to believe that the roots of this process should be sought in the Athenian culture of the 5th - 1st half of the 4th century BC. In our work we consider, whether we can actually see some signs of canonisation already in the works of such Athenian intellectuals as Aristophanes and Plato.

Full text (added June 10, 2024)

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