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Returns on Education in Key Sectors of the Economy

Student: Konstantin Borisov

Supervisor: Elena Vakulenko

Faculty: Faculty of Economic Sciences

Educational Programme: Economic Analysis (Master)

Year of Graduation: 2024

Graduation qualification work is devoted to determining the return on education in key sectors of the economy. The study analyzes the impact of education on the logarithm of wages using panel data from the HSE RMEZ for 2010-2022. The methodology used includes the construction of regression models on panel data with fixed and random effects to obtain significant estimates of the factors applied, such as: length of service, gender, health, family status, presence of children, type of locality and industry dummy variables. The main results of the study showed a significant return on education at 2.67% for each year of study. No significant differences were found in the return on education by key industries, however, differences were recorded in the basic levels of wages by industry. Nominal wages in key industries were calculated to identify the most profitable industry by the parameter of average and maximum nominal wages with a lower level of education. Recommendations are given for school graduates and students focused on the correct assessment and expectation of possible wages in possible future industries at a certain level of qualifications.

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