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Teacher's Communicative Competence and Professional Relations in the Teaching Stuff

Student: Anatoliy Tikhomirov

Supervisor: Maria A. Lytaeva

Faculty: Institute of Education

Educational Programme: Education Administration (Master)

Year of Graduation: 2025

The research is devoted to the analysis of the communicative competence of teachers and professional relations in the educational team. The teaching profession presupposes a high level of communication, which directly affects the quality of work and professional development. A study conducted at a Moscow school revealed an insufficient level of communicative competence among both young and experienced teachers, as well as the importance of teamwork and business communication skills. The main purpose of the work is to study the relationship between communicative competence and professional relationships. The study included 177 teachers, and used methods for diagnosing professional interactions and testing communicative inclinations. The results showed that a high level of communicative competence does not always contribute to the formation of a large number of professional relationships, unlike organizational competence, which has a more significant impact. The importance of developing communication skills to increase the effectiveness of pedagogical work and strengthen professional ties in the team is emphasized.

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