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  • Possibilities and Forms of Integration and Incorporation of Migrant Children on the Basis of Educational Organizations: International and Russian Experience

Possibilities and Forms of Integration and Incorporation of Migrant Children on the Basis of Educational Organizations: International and Russian Experience

Student: Elena Kovalova

Supervisor: Sergey Kosaretsky

Faculty: Institute of Education

Educational Programme: Education Administration (Master)

Year of Graduation: 2025

The article examines the problem of integration and inculturation of migrant children on the basis of educational institutions in Moscow and the Moscow region. An attempt has been made to analyze existing models of adaptation of migrant children, taking into account the difference in the level of representation of migrant children in the student body, polar schools with high and low numbers of migrant children are considered. The article discusses the origins of the problem, causes, relevance and trends in solving this problem in Russia using the example of schools in Moscow and the Moscow region. The article analyzes the legislative regulation of the provision and implementation of school education for this category of students. Quantitative and qualitative data collected during the school research are used. Further research may be aimed at studying the effectiveness of forms of ensuring the adaptation of migrant children in various regions of Russia and at developing a single pool of recommendations for schools.

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