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Parental Stress and Satisfaction as Factors of Management Strategies in Additional Education

Student: Olga Safronova

Supervisor: Ivan Ivanov

Faculty: Institute of Education

Educational Programme: Education Administration (Master)

Year of Graduation: 2025

Within the educational process of children in the family there is a "closed circle", in the structure of which the children's extracurricular time plays a key role. The study is devoted to the study of complex relationships between parental stress, satisfaction and the structure of children's extracurricular time. It involved 3847 parents of children studying in grades 1-11 in stable and atmospheric schools. Linear regression analysis showed how the structure and development of children's extracurricular activities affect the level of stress and satisfaction of parents: a higher level of parental stress is associated with a more organized structure of extracurricular time and the organization of children in extracurricular activities. At the same time, a higher level of parental satisfaction is associated with such an organized extracurricular time of children. Despite the fact that this dichotomy occurs, structured extracurricular practices are aimed at developing a sense of satisfaction in parents, they are also the cause of increased stress due to the problems with the family. The findings of this study have important implications for educational policymakers because they allow for the implementation of parental support programs that balance the benefits of structured out-of-school activities with the need to reduce parental stress, which has reasonable implications for parental well-being and children's educational experiences.

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