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Practices of Moscow School Principals in Identifying and Developing Managerial Teachers' Competencies

Student: Evgeniya Gorelko


Faculty: Institute of Education

Educational Programme: Education Administration (Master)

Year of Graduation: 2025

The management structure within Moscow educational organizations has been optimized due to the transformation of schools into complexes of several buildings, the number of which now reaches 22 buildings in some of them. The management team of any complex includes a director and 4 of his deputies, however, in schools with a large number of buildings there are more managerial positions. At the same time, research shows that the completion of advanced training or retraining courses by teachers accounts for a larger percentage in the field of subject knowledge, rather than managerial. The question arises: what is important for the directors of large school complexes in Moscow when they are appointed to a position requiring managerial competencies. The purpose of our research was to search for the practices of management teams of large educational complexes in Moscow to identify and develop managerial competencies. The text of the article presents the distinction between the concepts of management and management teams. Based on a semi-formal interview with the administration of Moscow schools, the leading practices in team formation are identified, and the findings of individual schools in the selection of managerial personnel are shown. Keywords: management and management teams. recruitment practices, leadership qualities, managerial competencies, Moscow complexes.

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