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Motivation for the Arrival and Dismissal of Teaching Staff in Online Schools

Student: Mariia Panova

Supervisor: Andrey A. Veiher

Faculty: Saint-Petersburg School of Social Sciences

Educational Programme: Education Administration (Master)

Year of Graduation: 2025

The work is devoted to identifying the motivation of teachers to continue or stop working at an online school, taking into account the degree of satisfaction of their motives when joining it and changes in the motivation of the desired job. The scientific goal is to identify changes in factors and motivations (FiM) that determine the cycle of "teachers coming to an online school – stable work in it while maintaining or desirable changes in FiM – the appearance of FiM that cause dissatisfaction – potential turnover," i.e., the dynamics of FiM structures. The practical significance of the conducted research lies in the creation and testing of a methodology (the first, simplified version) for collecting data on the dynamics of FiM in the existing team with anonymous identification of the shares of groups of different moods: from activists in improving the educational process to full readiness to leave. At the same time, for a number of cases, similar sequences of FiM states are identified, which allows us to plan actions on those factors that preserve effective teachers. The object of the survey (Online School No. 1, St. Petersburg) is one of the three leaders of online education in Russia. Those who have applied for a job over the past year are more than 400 people from more than 80 regions and cities of the Russian Federation and abroad (from Kaliningrad to Magadan + Tbilisi and Istanbul). The study conducted a continuous survey in the Google Docs technique of all schoolteachers. About a third did not respond, mostly high school teachers. Their group turned out to be less than 30 and the evaluation of this group was done according to parameters with a binary scale. To assess the differences between the different groups, two-dimensional tables with absolute and relative indicators and an assessment of the statistical significance of the differences according to K.Pearson's Chi-square criterion were used. Keywords: distance education, non-formal education, formal education, teacher motivation, motivational profile, factor profile, online schools. The dissertation consists of 120 pages, 5 sections, 38 tables, 28 figures, 91 literature sources used, including 18 in English

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