Student Theses
Total number of papers available for your query 88269
Vatican policy toward China in the XVIII century (based on materials by Matteo Ripa)
Educational Programme: Master
Student: Kruglova Mariya
Supervisor: Alexey L. Ryabinin
Year of Graduation: 2014
“The Features of the Strategic Planning For the Taxi-Service Market by the Example of "Dubrovka"”
Faculty of Management (Nizhny Novgorod)
Educational Programme: Bachelor
Student: Lyubchanskaya Elena
Supervisor: Elena V. Zinchak
Year of Graduation: 2014
The role of trust in the process of choosing between Russian and foreign internet shops of clothes and footwear
Faculty of Sociology
Educational Programme: Bachelor
Student: Moiseeva Anita
Supervisor: Vadim Radaev
Final Grade: 7
Year of Graduation: 2014
Conflict management specifics in process of merges and acquisitions
Faculty of Management
Educational Programme: Bachelor
Student: Kharitonov Dmitrij
Supervisor: Kira Reshetnikova
Year of Graduation: 2014
Representation of ethnicity in media culture (at the example of the image of a "Caucasian" in Russian television news programs in 2010 - 2013.)
School of Cultural Studies
Educational Programme: Bachelor
Student: Demirova Lejla
Supervisor: Victoria O. Vasileva
Year of Graduation: 2014
Japanese animation as a socio-political tool of Japanese Soft Power in East Asia: the case of South Korea, 1960s - 2010s
School of Asian Studies
Educational Programme: Master
Student: Czaczueva Karolina
Supervisor: Evgeny Semyonovich Steiner
Year of Graduation: 2014
Creation of standard decisions of the organization of control systems by information services and information security for the organizations of a various profile
MIEM Faculty of Information Technology and Computer Engineering
Educational Programme: Master
Student: Bocharov Mikhail
Supervisor: Vladimir Azarov
Final Grade: 8
Year of Graduation: 2014
The Sub-national Geography of Cross-border M&A
International College of Economics and Finance
Educational Programme: Bachelor
Student: Krivosheya Egor
Supervisor: Marie-Ann Betschinger
Year of Graduation: 2014
bankinh crisis
International College of Economics and Finance
Educational Programme: Bachelor
Student: By`chkov Georgij
Supervisor: Viktor Kimovich Shpringel
Year of Graduation: 2014
Involving of the Chinese empire in international economic relations and its implications
School of Asian Studies
Educational Programme: Bachelor
Student: Filippova Anastasiya
Supervisor: Arina Mikhalevskaya
Year of Graduation: 2014
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