Student Theses
Total number of papers available for your query 88269
Political subjectivity of the Russian regions under the 2000's centralization (case of the Ural regions)
Faculty of Politics
Educational Programme: Master
Student: Mamontov Georgij
Supervisor: Rostislav F. Turovsky
Year of Graduation: 2014
The role of Russian oil and gas TNCs in economic integration in the post-soviet space in the 21st century
Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs
Educational Programme: Bachelor
Student: Paderina Ol`ga
Supervisor: Denis Medvedev
Year of Graduation: 2014
Migration and Integration: the Analyses of the Economic Role of FRG Migrant-Workers
Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs
Educational Programme: Bachelor
Student: Timokhina Polina
Supervisor: Natalia V. Supyan
Year of Graduation: 2014
The Development Strategy of a Global Brand Launch in Russia: The Example of Men's Health Magazine
School of Integrated Communications
Educational Programme: Specialist
Student: Morgunov Dmitrij
Supervisor: Alexander V. Mozhaev
Year of Graduation: 2014
"Factors of publication activity of Russian researchers and its impact on earnings"
Faculty of Sociology
Educational Programme: Bachelor
Student: Balmush Oksana
Supervisor: Yana Roshchina
Final Grade: 9
Year of Graduation: 2014
Improving the efficiency of charity events through the using of a typology of their visitors
Faculty of Management
Educational Programme: Master
Student: Zvyagina Svetlana
Supervisor: Liudmila Kutyrkina
Year of Graduation: 2014
National and Individual Determinants towards Science and Technology: Multi-Level Analysis of Coutries around the World
Faculty of Sociology
Educational Programme: Bachelor
Student: Savel`kaeva Aleksandra
Supervisor: Maksim Rudnev
Final Grade: 9
Year of Graduation: 2014
Optimization models of the supply chain in a large project
Faculty of Management
Educational Programme: Master
Student: Saviczkaya Mariya
Supervisor: Igor Tsarkov
Year of Graduation: 2014
Sales management
Faculty of Management
Educational Programme: Bachelor
Student: Danilova Ekaterina
Supervisor: Sergey P. Kazakov
Year of Graduation: 2014
Methodical support of business planning process of innovation projects
Faculty of Economics
Educational Programme: Master
Student: Gromy`khalin Aleksandr
Supervisor: Vitalii Sergeevich Lipatnikov
Year of Graduation: 2014
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