
HSE University Hosts Educational Forum of the Greater Eurasian Partnership

HSE University Hosts Educational Forum of the Greater Eurasian Partnership
The forum was held as part of HSE University’s International Partners' Week, which coincides with Russia’s chairship of the EAEU and is aimed at connecting the strategies and initiatives of its participants in the fields of education, science, and technology. The forum was attended by representatives from 23 countries and more than 40 scientific and educational organisations. Read on to learn more about the opening ceremony and the first two plenary sessions.

International Partners’ Week 2023 Begins at HSE University-Moscow

International Partners’ Week 2023 Begins at HSE University-Moscow
Representatives of 23 countries have gathered in Moscow for International Partners’ Week at HSE University. The participants will discuss pressing issues related to cooperation, sign agreements on research and student exchanges, and take part in the Educational Forum of the Greater Eurasian Partnership, which is being held as part of Russia’s chairship of the EAEU.