Inclusion of Children and Youth in Post-socialist Countries
We invite you to take part in the fourth workshop on the inclusion of children and youth in post-socialist countries. The workshop is held by the International Laboratory for Social Integration Research.
Two articles drafts will be discussed at the workshop:
1. Alexandra Alekseeva, Independent Scholar; Elena Kutepova, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Deputy Director of the Institute for Problems of Inclusive Education, MSUPE; Natallia Bahdanovich Hanssen, PhD, Associate Professor of Special Education, Faculty of Teacher Education, Art and Culture, Nord University, Norway.
Following changes towards inclusion in Russia 2012-2022
Vera Khitryuk, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associated Professor, Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after Maxim Tank
Tatyana Kuzmicheva, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Director of the Institute of Psychology and Pedagogy, Murmansk Arctic State University
2. Maria Kozlova, PhD, Chief Research Fellow of the International Laboratory for Social Integration Research, HSE; Tatiana Riabichenko, PhD, Senior Research Fellow of the International Laboratory for Social Integration Research, HSE
Prospects of inclusive education in post-Soviet countries through the prism of teachers ' attitudes: findings of international survey
Discussant: Arman Assanbayev, Ph. D in Education, Msc in Educational Leadership (Inclusive education). A PostDoc Scholar, Graduate School of Education, Nazarbayev University, Kazakhstan.
The workshop will be held on March 2th from 18.00 to 20.00 (Moscow time).
Working languages are Russian and English.
Look forward to seeing you in the workshop!