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IV International Research Conference "Interaction. Integration. Inclusion: labyrinths of meanings and horizons of opportunities"

Dear colleagues!
We invite you to take part in the IV International Research Conference
Interaction. Integration. Inclusion: labyrinths of meanings and horizons of opportunities

August 5-7, 2024

The organizer is the International Laboratory for Social Integration Research, HSE University (in partnership with The Journal of Social Policy Studies).

The International Research Conference "Interaction. Integration. Inclusion: labyrinths of meanings and horizons of opportunities" covers a variety of topics that seem relevant to social researchers and practitioners. The conference will discuss approaches and practices of research and development of socio-cultural integration implemented in different regions and countries. Particular attention will be paid to issues that create "new exclusions" and affect the integration of "traditionally" marginalised and vulnerable groups.

For the first time, a workshop will be organized at the conference for researchers just beginning to explore academic spaces – high school students and 1-2 year undergraduate students. We invite young researchers of socio-cultural integration, social inclusion, problems of underrepresented and vulnerable categories of the population and other topics presented in the conference program to participate in the workshop. Each participant of the workshop will receive feedback from more experienced colleagues and will be able to discuss research development directions. You can present completed research, project proposals highlighting potential research ideas at the workshop. When registering, please specify "participation in the workshop" and, if the report is included in the conference program, send an abstract (3 pages) or the full text of the report by e-mail: nsbaysha@hse.ru no later than August 1, so that a potential debater can familiarize himself with the work in advance and prepare a detailed review.

The conference will be held in an online format.
Languages: Russian, English. 

Important dates:

  • Proposals for participation in the sessions with the papers are accepted from March 20 to July 14
    To apply, please complete the registration form (including a short summary of the papers of up to 200 words)
  • To attend our Conference without presenting a paper, one needs to register until July 31
  • Selection of proposals of the papers in the Conference – by July 20
  • Publication of the Conference programme – by July 25

The Conference program is available at the link.

Sections are planned:

Evidence in social policy and helping professions practice: tests, ideologies, interpretations

Moderators: Elena R. Iarskaia-Smirnova (Doctor of Social Sciences, PhD, Professor, Head of the IL SIR, Head of the Journal of Social Policy Studies), Roman Abramov (Doctor of Social Sciences, Leading Research Fellow of the IL SIR), Daria Prisyazhniuk (Candidate of Social Sciences, Leading Research Fellow of the IL SIR), Victoria Yakovleva (head of the editorial office of the Journal of Social Policy Studies), Radik A. Sadykov  (Executive Secretary of the Journal of Social Policy Studies), Bulat Gilfanov (2nd year master's student, research intern of the IL SIR, Editor of the Journal of Social Policy Studies), Natalia Sorokina (Candidate of Social Sciences, Director of the Scientific and Educational Regional Center for Monitoring Research of Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov, Associate Professor)

Temporalism of social care

Moderators: Elena R. Iarskaia-Smirnova (Doctor of Social Sciences, PhD, Professor, Head of the IL SIR, Head of the Journal of Social Policy Studies), Natalia Sorokina (Candidate of Social Sciences, Director of the Scientific and Educational Regional Center for Monitoring Research of Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov, Associate Professor), Nikolay Bozhok (Candidate of Social Sciences, Deputy Director of the Scientific and Educational Regional Center for Monitoring Research of Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov, Associate Professor), Anna Emelianova (1st year master's student, research intern of the IL SIR)

Health protection, self-preservation and risk behaviour in different social, territorial and ethnic groups

​​​​​​Moderator: Andrey Kozlov (Doctor of Biological Sciences, Leading Research Fellow of the IL SIR)

Objective and subjective social well-being in modern Russian society

​​​​​Moderators: Svetlana Mareeva (PhD, Director of the Centre for Stratification Studies of the HSE Institute for Social Policy, Leading Researcher at the Institute of Sociology FCTAS RAS), Pavel E. Sushko (PhD, Leading Researcher at the Institute of Sociology FCTAS RAS)

Representatives of socially vulnerable groups in companies: approaches to study and issues of implementation of inclusive policies

​​​​​Moderator: Viktoria Antonova (Doctor of Social Sciences, PhD, Leading Research Fellow of the IL SIR)

"Open to the public, accessible and inclusive": the potential of museums for the socio-cultural integration of different population groups

​​​​​Moderator: Nikita Bolshakov (Candidate of Social Sciences, Leading Research Fellow of the IL SIR)

Youth in the face of new challenges: life choices, generational identities and the search for sustainability

​​​​​Moderator: Elena L. Omelchenko (Doctor of Sciences in Sociology of Culture, Director of the Centre for Youth Studies of Saint-Petersburg School of Social Sciences)

Professional communities on the wave of change: emotional labor, professional ideologies and the revision of intraprofessional hierarchies

​​​​​Moderators: Olga A. Simonova (Candidate of Social Sciences, Associate Professor of Faculty of Social Sciences), Roman Abramov (Doctor of Social Sciences, Leading Research Fellow of the IL SIR),

Doctor - nurse - patient: relationships, boundaries, practices in the context of healthcare system challenges

Moderator: Daria Prisyazhniuk (Candidate of Social Sciences, Leading Research Fellow of the IL SIR)

The sacred beyond the religious: normative value systems in modern Russia and the resulting worldviews

Moderator: Maksim Bogachev (Candidate of Social Sciences, Associate Professor of Faculty of Social Sciences)

Interaction, Inclusion, and Integration of the Marginalized through Conflict and Negotiation: Multiple Trajectories of Socio-Political Transformations in BRICS+ Countries

​​​​​Moderator: Arnab Roy Chowdhury (PhD, Research Fellow of the IL SIR), co-panelist: Saikot Chandra Ghosh (PhD student and research assistant of the IL SIR, School of Sociology, HSE University)

Social policies of post-socialist countries in the context of cultural transformations

Moderator: Maria Kozlova (Doctor of Social Sciences, Chief Research Fellow of the IL SIR)

Employment of people with disabilities: research and an insider's view

Moderator: Yulia Skokova (Candidate of Social Sciences, Director of the Laboratory of Social Research and Analysis "VER.SIA LAB")

Educational Inclusion and the Friendly School: Cultural Foundations, Policy Strategies, Everyday Practices, Potential for Innovation

Moderator: Maria Kozlova (Doctor of Social Sciences, Chief Research Fellow of the IL SIR)

(Extra)School Career Guidance and Educational Choice: Social Stereotypes, Limits and Personal Trajectories

Moderator: Olga Savinskaya (Candidate of Sciences in Theory, History and Methods of Sociology, Leading Research Fellow of the IL SIR) 

Inclusion. "Number". Artificial Intelligence

Moderator: Sergey Davydov (Candidate of Sciences in Social Philosophy, Senior Researcher of the IL SIR)

Digitisation, trends and technologies in the context of social inequalities

​​​Moderator: Anna Strelnikova (Candidate of Social Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Methods of Collection and Analysis of Sociological Information of the HSE University, Senior Researcher at the Institute of Sociology FCTAS RAS)

Round table "Inclusion in education in the BRICS countries: national policies, challenges and prospects"

​​​​​Moderator: Kosaretsky Sergey (PhD, Associate Professor, Director of the Pinsky Centre of General and Extracurricular Education of the HSE Institute of Education) 

Information about the selection of proposals and preparation of the programme will be published on this page at a later date.

If you have any questions, you can write to e-mail: nsbaysha@hse.ru


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