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II International Scientific Conference

«Interaction, integration, inclusion in times of social disruptions»


November, 2

10.00 – 10.15 Opening ceremony

10.15-11.30 Plenary session (F201)

  • Iarskaya-Smirnova, Elena, PhD in Sociology Head of the HSE International Laboratory for Social Integration Research. Inclusion in times of social disruptions: meanings and opportunities
  • Sinyavskaya, Oksana, PhD in Economics, Deputy Director of the HSE Institute of Social Policy. Social gaps in the era of technological change: challenges and opportunities for social policy
  • Tsediso, Michael Makoelle, PhD, EdD, Nazarbayev University, Vice Dean Graduate School of Education. Pre-service teacher mentoring as a method of enhancing effective inclusive teaching: a collaborative action study


11.30-12.00 - Coffee break (D502)

12.00-13.45 - Session meetings

Social work in a disrupted society (G203)

(Head - E. Iarskaya-Smirnova)

  • 1. Naberushkina, Elmira, Doctor of Sociology, Professor, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Professor of the Department of Sociology. Practices and problems of palliative care
  • 2. Sirotina, Tatiana, PhD in Sociology, Altai State University, Department of Social and Youth Policy, Associate Professor. Long-term care for elderly and disabled citizens: challenges for social services
  • 3. Borodkina, Olga, Doctor of Sociology, St. Petersburg State University, Professor. Strategies for the development of the social services system: national goals, regional practices
  • 4. Uzakbergenov, Islam , Higher School of Economics, Student. The impact of anti-covid measures on protest activity through the prism of the level of inequality of the population: cross-country analysis


Reassembling Identity in the times of social disruptions: foundations, practices, legitimization regimes (G303)

(Head - E. Rozhdestvenskaya)

  • 1. Klepikova Anna, PhD in Sociology, European University in St. Petersburg, Dean of the Faculty of Anthropology. Altukhova Anna, Master's degree, European University in St. Petersburg, Researcher. Out-of-Family council: the economics of caring and the politics of feelings in an anonymous online community
  • 2. Makarova, Ksenia , PhD in Sociology, Higher School of Economics, Visiting Lecturer. (Not)visible territories of Post-Olympic Sochi: crossroads of socio-cultural integration
  • 3. Dautova, Tatiana, Higher School of Economics, Graduate Student. Memory and reassembly of the identity of veterans of the Afghan War (1979-1989)
  • 4. Baisha, Natalia, Higher School of Economics, Postgraduate Student, Specialist of the Department of Medical and Social Programs of the All-Russian Public Organization "Russian Red Cross". Features of the influence of the experience of "covid life" on the world of everyday life of representatives of different generations


New social inequalities in the era of digitalization (D206)

(Head - A. Strelnikova)

Track 1. Social inequalities in the context of the development of new technologies

  • 1. Epikhina, Julia, PhD in Sociology, Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Leading Researcher. Intra-generational differences in digital technology acquisition practices
  • 2. Belopashentseva, Polina, Center for Stratification Studies of the Institute of Social Policy, Higher School of Economics, Research Assistant, Postgraduate Student. What does the deprivation approach say about Russian poverty?
  • 3. Slobodenyuk, Ekaterina, PhD in Sociology, Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Higher School of Economics, Senior Researcher. Kolennikova, Nina, PhD in Sociology, Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Researcher. Social inequalities in the era of the crown crisis: resilience and vulnerability of various segments of the population to new challenges of our time
  • 4. Chugunov, Andrey, PhD in Political Science, University "Institute of Precision Mechanics and Optics", Director of the Center for E-Government Technologies, Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Senior Researcher. Digital inequality of the elderly in conditions of differentiated aging and pandemic


13.45-14.45 - Lunch break

14.45-16.30 - Session meetings

Social work in a disrupted society (G203)

(Head - E. Iarskaya-Smirnova)

  • 1. Brednikova, Olga, PhD in Sociology, Sociological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences St. Petersburg, Senior Researcher. "Mobile Man" and "Lost Man": migrants and refugees in the perspective of social work
  • 2. Grigorieva, Svetlana, Scientific and Educational Regional Monitoring Research Center of Saratov State Technical University, Sociologist. Digitalization of social work with the elderly in the context of a pandemic and post-pandemic
  • 3. Sorokina, Natalia, PhD in Sociology, Deputy Director of the Scientific and Educational Regional Center for Monitoring Research, Saratov State Technical University, Associate Professor .Social work in a pandemic: experience of interaction and inclusive practices


Reassembling Identity in the times of social disruptions: foundations, practices, legitimization regimes (G303)

(Head - E. Rozhdestvenskaya)

  • 1. Torlopova, Lubove, Laboratory of transdisciplinary studies of knowledge, language and social practices of the Faculty of Philosophy of Tomsk State University, Junior Researcher. Disability as an experience of a "doubled" border situation in the times of social disruptions
  • 2. Grigorieva, Irina, Doctor of Sociology, St. Petersburg State University, Professor, Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Leading Researcher. To grow old or to remain an adult and socially included?
  • 3. Ivanov, Danila, Higher School of Economics, Graduate Student .Social exclusion and the four-dimensional model of power: the development of the meta-concept of inequality


New social inequalities in the era of digitalization (D206)

(Head - A. Strelnikova)

Track 1. Social inequalities in the context of the development of new technologies

  • 1. Popov, Dmitry , PhD in Sociology, Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Leading Researcher. Strelnikova, Anna, PhD in Sociology, Higher School of Economics, Associate Professor, Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Senior Researcher. Grigorieva, Ekaterina , Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Junior Researcher. Teachers in the conditions of "crisis digitalization": are they on the threshold of a new Luddism?
  • 2. Zaichenko, Ludmila, Tallinn University, PhD, School of educational sciences, Researcher. Zaichenko, Natalia, PhD in Pedagogical Sciences, Higher School of Economics (St. Petersburg), Professor of Public Administration. New interactions and new inequalities of school digitalization: Russia and Abroad
  • 3. Voronina, Natalia, PhD in Sociology, Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Senior Researcher. Gender aspect of digital inequality in Russia: results of empirical analysis


16.30-17.00 - Coffee break (D502)

17.00-18.45 - Session meetings

(Non)inclusive living environment: accessibility of museums and cultural institutions (G203)

(Head - N. Bolshakov)

  • 1. Shevtsov, Yuri, HSE International Laboratory for Social Integration Research, Research Assistant. Representation of museum inclusivity in social media
  • 2. Dolgova, Ekaterina, HSE International Laboratory for Social Integration Research, Research Assistant. An inclusive museum in the city as a space for constructing local identity: a case of visitors with sensory impairments
  • 3. Ivanov, Danila, Higher School of Economics, Graduate Student .Art Museums as agents of social inclusion: a study of the structural position of inclusive departments
  • 4. Samsonova, Olga. Features and problems of implementing an inclusive model in Moscow museums on the example of the experience of the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, the Tretyakov Gallery and the Garage Museum


Professional and organizational communities: socio cultural breakdowns and prospects for inclusive reassembly of the labor sphere (G303)

(Head - R. Abramov)

  • 1. Andreev, Andrey, Higher School of Economics, Senior Lecturer .Equal counseling among people living with HIV: the content of counseling and professional requirements
  • 2. Krapchitova, Polina, Higher School of Economics, Graduate Student, International Laboratory for Social Integration Research, Research Assistant. Oncologists as a professional group: problems of adaptation, autonomy and challenges to professionalism
  • 3. Kеrbel, Ekaterina, Higher School of Economics, Graduate Student. Labor specifics of workers of harmful industries: ore mining or the birth of a prison
  • 4. Polyakova, Alina ,Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation, Student. The mythology of the disease in the modern discourse of neurodifferences


New social inequalities in the era of digitalization (D206)

(Head - A. Strelnikova)

Track 2. Digitalization of urban everyday life and reassembly of inequalities

  • 1. Makarevich, Sofia, Higher School of Economics, Postgraduate Student. Gender gaps in mobility: a carsharing case
  • 2. Yanishevsky, Oleg, Higher School of Economics, Postgraduate Student. Route network reform as a catalyst for social processes
  • 3. Shcheglova, Tamara, Higher School of Economics, Graduate Student. Methodological features of measuring the sense of security in the city
  • 4. Biryukova, Svetlana , PhD in Economics, HSE Institute of Social Policy, Center for Integrated Social Policy Research, Leading Researcher. Sinyavskaya, Oksana , PhD in Economics, Deputy Director of the HSE Institute of Social Policy. The role of digital technologies in overcoming loneliness of older people


November, 3

10.00-11.45 - Session meetings

Well-being, reproductive intentions and health in the context of socio-economic and cultural transformations (G203)

(Head - A. Kozlov)

  • 1. Parfenova, Oksana , PhD in Sociology, Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Senior Researcher. Health care as a key component of delayed aging
  • 2. Selezneva, Elena , PhD in Economics, Center for Integrated Social Policy Research at the HSE Institute of Social Policy, Senior Researcher. Horvath, Elizabeth , HSE Institute of Social Policy, Research Assistant. The quality of life of citizens with mental disabilities in Russia (in a psychoneurological boarding and accompanied accommodation) – modern challenges
  • 3. Castro Stepanova, Alexandra Andrea, PhD in Biology, Center for Paleontological Research, Researcher. Being a native in Latin America: a privilege or an obstacle?
  • 4. Insapova, Alina, HSE Institute of Social Policy, Research Assistant. Biohacking as a survival strategy in the conditions of the Russian Healthcare Crisis


(Non)inclusive living environment: modalities of urban citizenship (G303)

(Head - E. Polukhina)

  • 1. Polukhina, Elizabeth, PhD in Sociology, HSE International Laboratory for Social Integration Research, Senior Research. Karpenkina, Yanina. A citizen with a warrant for an apartment in the late USSR: practices and discourses of obtaining
  • 2. Karpova, Galina, Doctor of Sociology, Academy of Civil Protection of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, Professor. Chizhova, Inna, Traktorozavodsky Center for Social Services of the population, Volgograd, Organizer of cultural events. The practice of working with people with limited mobility to develop communication skills
  • 3. Kournikova, Maria, PhD in Medical Sciences, Nizhny Novgorod State University, Head of the Department of Adaptive Physical Culture; HSE International Laboratory for Social Integration Research, Senior Researcher. Analysis of barriers to the realization of physical activity of a disabled child at the family level
  • 4. Orozova, Rahat, Master of Social Work, Master of Pedagogy, Consultant of research projects in the field of disability of Unicef in Kyrgyzstan. Challenges of fatherhood of children with autism in Kazakhstan


The potential of public initiatives to achieve inclusion: new challenges and opportunities (D206)

(Head - D. Prisyazhnyuk)

1. Obukhov, Konstantin, PhD, HSE International Laboratory for Social Integration Research, Researcher. Information openness policy in regional socially oriented non-profit organizations: barriers and opportunities for implementation

2. Chiarvesio Francesca, PhD in Sociology, HSE University. Promoting inclusion in times of crisis: Russian informal civil society actors and collective identity building

3. Skokova, Julia, PhD in Sociology, Director of the Center for Evaluation of Public Initiatives at the HSE Institute for Applied Political Studies. Digitalization of the non-profit sector: effects and barriers


11.45-12.15 - Coffee break (G503​​​​​​​)

12.15-14.00 - Session meetings

Well-being, reproductive intentions and health in the context of socio-economic and cultural transformations (G203)

(Head - A. Kozlov)

  • 1. Semenova, Olga, PhD in History, Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Junior Researcher. Butovskaya, Marina, Doctor of History, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Head of the Center for Cross-Cultural Psychology and Human Ethology of the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Chief Researcher; Educational and Research Center for Social Anthropology of the Russian State University, Professor; Higher School of Economics, Chief Researcher, Department of Ethnology of the Faculty of History of Moscow State University, Professor. Paternal care of children: cross-cultural comparative analysis of quantitative data from Russia, the USA and Brazil
  • 2. Kozlov, Andrey, PhD in Medicine, Doctor of Biology, HSE International Laboratory for Social Integration Research, Leading Researcher. Losses from alcohol, external causes and diseases in the indigenous and non-indigenous population of the North of Western Siberia
  • 3. Startsev, Sergey, HSE International Laboratory for Social Integration Research, Research Assistant.The crisis of doctor-patient communication as a reason for the departure of patients to alternative methods of treatment


Corporate citizenship as a modern tool for overcoming social exclusion (G303)

(Head – V. Antonova)

  • 1. Antonova, Victoria, Doctor of Sociology, HSE International Laboratory for Social Integration Research, Senior Researcher, Professor. Russian Interpretation of the Corporate Citizenship Model: Foreign Foundations and Domestic Unrealization
  • 2. Shapiro, Anna, MVS Group HR Director. Development of employment practices for employees with autism in the MVS Group: from one company to a community
  • 3. Eckhardt, Lyudmila, PhD in Psychology, invited HR Director, project manager for the employment of people with autism, wellbeing coach. Interaction of different subjects-participants of corporate citizenship
  • 4. Hashhayan, Rose, "First Retail Company", Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Director of Personnel Management. Practice-oriented methods of personnel search, development and solving the issue of staffing in regional organizations as a basis for overcoming social exclusion in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk
  • 5. Raidugin, Dmitry, PhD, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Associate Professor. Sustainability of institutional channels of vocational guidance for students with disabilities: growth points and promising projects


Artificial intelligence in social integration: risks and benefits (D206)

(Head – S. Davydov)

  • 1. Davydov, Sergey, PhD in Sociology, HSE International Laboratory for Social Integration Research, Senior Researcher. Artificial intelligence in the field of media communications: quantitative analysis
  • 2. Lipatov, Vyacheslav , PhD in Politics, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Associate Professor. Nekrylov Ivan Ivanovich, Senior Lecturer,  Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation. Artificial intelligence as an intersectoral tool for the development of inclusive practices of people with disabilities
  • 3. Ushkin, Sergey , PhD in Sociology, Scientific Center for Socio-Economic Monitoring, Leading Researcher, All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion, research manager. Determinants of the use of smart speakers in socially vulnerable groups: an overview of international studies
  • 4. Loginovskaya, Yulia,, Tomsk State University, Faculty of Philosophy, assistant.. Cyborgization technologies as a factor of social inequality


14.00-15.00 - Lunch break

15.00-16.45 - Session meetings

Interculturalism in the processes of educational inclusion: transformations of ideology, politics and practices (G203)

(Head - M. Kozlova)

  • 1. Ryabichenko, Tatiana, PhD in Psychology, Higher School of Economics, Associate Professor. Kozlova, Maria, PhD in History, HSE International Laboratory for Social Integration Research, Chief Researcher. Lucia Bombieri, , PhD in Psychology, Italian Ministry of Education, teacher (Padua, Italy). Practices of educational integration of migrant children in schools in Russia and Italy
  • 2. Mikheev, Igor, HSE International Laboratory for Social Integration Research, Junior Researcher. Educational inclusion in the assessments of activists of non-profit projects on the socio-cultural integration of children from families with migration experience
  • 3. Kozlova, Maria, PhD in History, HSE International Laboratory for Social Integration Research, Chief Researcher. Pathologization of "cultural affiliation" as a tool for regulating ethnic and cultural diversity in Russian schools
  • 4. Omelchenko, Elena, PhD in History, Dean of the Faculty of Regional Studies and Ethnocultural Education, Professor of the Institute of Social and Humanitarian Education of Moscow Pedagogical State University, Head of the Center for the Promotion of Interethnic Education "ETHNOSPHERE". Educational integration of children with a migration history: hidden inequality or opening opportunities?
  • 5. Savina, Nadezhda, Advisor to the First Deputy Governor of the Office of the Governor of Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug – Yugra. Camp school-garden as a tool to overcome educational inequality for children of the indigenous population of the North


Artificial intelligence in social integration: risks and benefits (D206)

(Head – S. Davydov)

  • 1. Fatima Roumate, PhD, President of the International Institute of Scientific Research (Morocco). Rethinking Welfare State in the Era of Artificial Intelligence
  • 2. Orlov, Gennady, PhD in Physics and Mathematics, ITMO University, Associate Professor, Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Senior Researcher. Digital healthcare services for patients: development imbalances and specifics of implementation for the older generation
  • 3. Goldovskaya, Alyona, PhD, Tomsk State University, Associate Professor. Cyborg – who is it? Modern boundaries of the definition of cyborgization.
  • 4. Lukina, Maria, PhD in Philology, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Associate Professor. Krasheninnikova, Maria , PhD in Philology, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Senior Lecturer .Zamkov, Andrey , Lomonosov Moscow State University, Researcher. On the Ethical Codification of Artificial Intelligence in Russian Media Practice


Changing representations of otherness in a disintegrated media environment (G303)

(Head – O. Verbilovich)

  • 1. Zhukova, Olga, HSE International Laboratory for Social Integration Research, Research Assistant. As said, so understood. Changing the discourse around a stigmatized group – finding a language for "sensitive" topics
  • 2. Fedoseikina, Svetlana, Higher School of Economics, Graduate Student. Changes in the discourse of Russians during the Russian-Ukrainian crisis of 2022
  • 3. Pridatchenko, Maria, PhD in Sociology, Nizhny Novgorod State University, Senior lecturer. The image of noninstitutional educated person
  • 4. Grigoryan, Evelina, Higher School of Economics, Graduate Student. The problem of accessibility of journalistic information for people with visual and hearing disabilities
  • 5. Shamsutdinova, Julia, Moscow State University. Deaf and hard of hearing people in social media: barriers and ways to bridge the digital divide
  • 6. Vlasova, Tatiana, PhD in Philosophy, Associate Professor, Institute of History and Sociology of Udmurt State University. Volunteering in the framework of museum ethnic programs in the villages of the Udmurt Republic


16.45-17.15 - Coffee break (G503​​​​​​​)

17.15-18.30 Plenary session (F201)

  • Alyokhina, Svetlana, PhD in Psychology, Vice-Rector for Inclusive Education, Director of the Institute of Inclusive Education Problems. Educational contexts of inclusion
  • Ramon, Shulamit, PhD, University of Hertfordshire, UK, Professor. The impact of armed political conflict on social workers and their clients: an international perspective
  • Cook, Linda J., PhD, Department of Slavic Studies, Brown University, USA, Professor. The Welfare State in the times of social disruptions


18.30 – 18.45 Closing ceremony (F201)


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