Discovering Russia Anew
On July 6, a student research expedition to Komi-Permyak Okrug of Perm Krai, realized within the framework of NRU HSE program “Discovering Russia Anew”, came to an end.
With the participation of employees of the International Laboratory for Social Integration Research, students of MP Sociology of Public and Business Sphere, BP Sociology, Asian and African Studies, Political Science, Psychology and Public Administration studied Parma in order to understand how culture, nature, history are built into the views of residents of this ancient region about themselves, how they see the present and future of the region, its local cultures and communities. After an eventful week and a half, the participants of expedition were able to collect a large amount of empirical material, allowing a meaningful disclosure of the topic under study. You can find out more about the participants’ impressions of the expedition and its results in a series of publications, which are being prepared by the participants and will soon be published on our website.