Elena Iarskaia-Smirnova took part in a discussion on the representation of disability in cinema
On April 27, 2024, a film discussion was held on the problems of representation of people with disabilities. The event was held within the framework of a two-day festival prepared by the team of the GES-2 House of Culture and representatives of the International Disability Film Festival "Breaking down barriers".
On April 27, 2024, Professor Elena Iarskaia-Smirnova, Head of the International Laboratory for Social Integration Research, took part in a discussion on the representation of disability in cinema at the GES-2 House of Culture as a speaker and moderator. Other experts participating in the discussion include Denis Roza, head of the Regional public organization of disabled people "Perspektiva", film director Vladimir Rudak, and film critic Denis Ruzaev.

After Elena Iarskaia-Smirnova asked participants from the audience to give examples of films where there are characters with disabilities, she revealed in her introductory speech the archetypal universals of film images and emphasized their genre and historical features in various incarnations of the "Hero's Way". The subsequent discussion began with the question of the benefits and harms of such canons and cliches.
Denis Rosa spoke about the experience of overcoming these stereotypical images, and Vladimir Rudak gave paradoxical examples of how producers reject those projects in which a person with a disability is assigned the role not of a hero or victim, but of a normal subject with different qualities.

Denis Ruzaev presented a wide range of historical examples and patterns of application of certain archetypes and raised the question that such a universal as "Hero's Way" may give way to other forms in the new documentary film, for example, in the new French film "On Adamant", which is included in the program of the film discussion.

The discussion was attended by the directors and teachers of cinematography present in the hall.
We express our gratitude to our partners – the GES-2 House of Culture and the Regional public organization of disabled people "Perspektiva" for organizing the festival and inviting them to participate!