Accessibility of cultural institutions: the experience of Moscow museums
Nikita Bolshakov took part in the business program of the Fifth anniversary Youth Forum "Heritage".
Evaluation of the results and social effects of inclusive projects
On the eve of the International Disability Day, 1st of December 2022, Elena Iarskaia-Smirnova has conducted a public talk on social effects of inclusive projects at the Russian State Library for Young Adults.
Approaching "tomorrow"
Elena Iarskaia-Smirnova, Head of the ILSIR HSE, research fellows and other colleagues of HSE share their impressions about participating in the international film festival "Cinema Without Barriers".
Doctoral dissertation "Socio-economic Integration of African Migrants in Russia"
Congratulations on the successful defense of PhD by our colleague Isaac Oni! The topic of PhD is: "Socio-economic Integration of African Migrants in Russia". We wish you all the best in your future career and will be glad to continue our collaboration!
Potential and limitations of socio-technological intervention in the prevention of social orphanhood: perspectives of the main actors
On October 19, a joint scientific and practical online seminar "The potential and limitations of socio-technological intervention in the prevention of social orphanhood" was held.: prospects of the main actors", which was attended by employees of ML ISI and BF "Tagansky Children's Fund". The seminar discussed the substantive and methodological results of a joint project aimed at developing the methodology of scientific and applied analytics in the field of evaluation research in the social sphere.
The place of volunteers in the activities of socially oriented non-profit organizations in the regions of Russia
Konstantin Obukhov made a report "The place of volunteers in the activities of socially oriented non-profit organizations in the regions of Russia" at the round table "Transformation of care and health-saving practices in Russian society during the pandemic and post-pandemic" (Kazan, October 21, 2022), organized by the Institute of Socio-Philosophical Sciences and Mass Communications of Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University.
Emotional Cultures and Moral Regulation: From the Late Soviet Union to Modern Day Russia
On October 14, 2022 Roman Abramov and Elena Iarskaia-Smirnova took part in the section Emotional Cultures and Moral Regulation: From the Late Soviet Union to Modern Day Russia of the annual ASEES international conference.
Study of special educational conditions for children with special educational needs
On October 12, 2022, the Institute of Education of the Higher School of Economics and the Agency for Strategic Initiatives to Promote New Projects discussed the results of a study of special educational conditions for children with special educational needs (not related to the categories of "children with disabilities" and "disabled children") in general education organizations.
Working meeting at the Russian headquarters of Cartie
Maria Kozlova and Elena Iarskaia-Smirnova took part in a working meeting at Cartier's Russian headquarters in the Presnenskaya Embankment Business Center.
Social construction of inclusion
Elena Yarskaya-Smirnova made a presentation "Social Construction of Inclusion" at the RANEPA All-Russian Scientific Conference "Inclusive Discourses in the Performative Arts: aesthetics, ethics, politics, ecology, gender".