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Illustration for news: Research conducted in SOS Children Villages

Research conducted in SOS Children Villages

On January 17, a joint seminar was held by the International Laboratory for Social Integration Research (NRU HSE) and the Russian Committee for Children Villages - SOS. The seminar was dedicated to the results of a study of the lives of SOS students.

Illustration for news: International Cooperation

International Cooperation

Research Assistant Daniel Lebedev has joined the Organazing Committee of the European Survey Research Association (ESRA). 

Illustration for news: International Cooperation

International Cooperation

Professor Linda J. Cook has been a discussant at the Political Economy Workshop at the University of Bremen, which was held online on 11 January 2022.

Illustration for news: Quality of Life for People with Disabilities and Special Needs

Quality of Life for People with Disabilities and Special Needs

Illustration for news: Barriers and Prospects for Employment of People with Disabilities in Russia and Abroad

Barriers and Prospects for Employment of People with Disabilities in Russia and Abroad

On December 2, an international online seminar "Barriers and Prospects for Employment of People with Disabilities in Russia and Abroad" was held. The seminar was organized by the Human Capital Multidisciplinary Research Center, the World Bank and the International NRU HSE Laboratory for Social Integration Research with the support of the ROOI "Perspektiva" and the All-Russian Society of People with Disabilities. Within the framework of the seminar, the results of the analysis of the opportunities and barriers to integrating people with disabilities into the Russian labor market were presented.

Illustration for news: Congratulations to our colleagues on receiving a grant from the Russian Science Foundation!

Congratulations to our colleagues on receiving a grant from the Russian Science Foundation!

The project 'People with Mental Disabilities in the Employment Process: Strategies, Barriers and Subjective Meanings of Participation' was prepared by Christian Fröhlich (leader), Daria Prisyazhnyuk, Maria Ivanova and Anna Sinelnikova.

Illustration for news: The Meanings of Inclusion in Science and Practice

The Meanings of Inclusion in Science and Practice

On December 1, Elena Yarskaya-Smirnova made a presentation “The meanings of Inclusion in Science and Practice” at the interdisciplinary scientific and practical conference “Inclusive Education - an Inclusive Society: Evidence-Based Approaches to the Inclusion of Children with Mental Disabilities in General Education".

Illustration for news: Higher Education for Indigenous Peoples: International and Russian Experience

Higher Education for Indigenous Peoples: International and Russian Experience

One of the events that opened the second day of the conference was the round table 'Higher education for indigenous peoples: international and Russian experience.' Despite the critically early time, the discussion of problem areas and of the constructive experience in creating an educational environment in universities that supports cultural diversity was rich and lively. The presented reports discussed the value orientations of the development of higher education for indigenous peoples, the problems of adaptation of indigenous peoples to the learning environment, the strengths and limitations of various organizational forms and educational practices.

Illustration for news: Inclusive Education in Post-Soviet Countries: Based on the Results of an International Survey

Inclusive Education in Post-Soviet Countries: Based on the Results of an International Survey

On October 20, at the VI International scientific and practical conference 'Inclusive Education and Society: Strategies, Practices and Resources,' a panel discussion Inclusive Education in Post-Soviet Countries: Based on the Results of an International Survey' was held.

Illustration for news: Civic Participation and Cross-sector Partnerships as Drivers of Inclusion

Civic Participation and Cross-sector Partnerships as Drivers of Inclusion

On October 20, a panel discussion "Civic participation and cross-sector partnerships as drivers of inclusion" was held within the VI International scientific and practical conference "Inclusive Education and Society: Strategies, Practices and Resources."