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Illustration for news: The preliminary defense of Md. Reza Habib's PhD thesis took place in the Laboratory

The preliminary defense of Md. Reza Habib's PhD thesis took place in the Laboratory

The preliminary defense of Md. Reza Habib's dissertation was held on August 4, 2023 at a joint meeting of the Department of Sociology and our Laboratory.

Illustration for news: Danila Ivanov's report at the Congress in Lyon

Danila Ivanov's report at the Congress in Lyon

D.V. Ivanov presented a report on the relationship between dispositions and the experience of guilt due to violation of inclusive norms by agents of inclusion.

Illustration for news: The book «Internet in the Post-Soviet Area - Technological, Economic and Political Aspects» was published under the editorship of Sergey Davydov

The book «Internet in the Post-Soviet Area - Technological, Economic and Political Aspects» was published under the editorship of Sergey Davydov

The book is published in one of the most prestigious international publishers of scientific literature Springer and presents a comprehensive analysis of the Runet as a complex social phenomenon.

Illustration for news: Teams of the ILSIR employees are among the winners of the Faculty of Social Sciences Project Groups competition

Teams of the ILSIR employees are among the winners of the Faculty of Social Sciences Project Groups competition

Three projects created with the participation of the ILSIR staff received the support of the Scientific Commission of the Faculty of Social Sciences.

Illustration for news: Roman Abramov's articles in co-authorship with Oxana Mikhaylova have been published in peer reviewed journals

Roman Abramov's articles in co-authorship with Oxana Mikhaylova have been published in peer reviewed journals

Congratulations to colleagues on the release of new articles!

Illustration for news: Konstantin Obukhov took part in a scientific seminar of the Department of Management of the Faculty of Socio-Economic and Computer Sciences of the Higher School of Economics in Perm

Konstantin Obukhov took part in a scientific seminar of the Department of Management of the Faculty of Socio-Economic and Computer Sciences of the Higher School of Economics in Perm

The seminar discussed issues of transparency and openness with NGOs in the Russian regions 

Illustration for news: Epistemic transformations of the concept of "social exclusion" in the Academic discourse of social policy: foreign and Russian contexts

Epistemic transformations of the concept of "social exclusion" in the Academic discourse of social policy: foreign and Russian contexts

Roman Abramov and Danila Ivanov made a presentation on the theoretical foundations of the concept of "social exclusion" at the ILSIR seminar. The debater was Ivan Klimov.

Illustration for news: The ILSIR staff published the results of scientific research in the journal Laboratorium

The ILSIR staff published the results of scientific research in the journal Laboratorium

Congratulations to our colleagues on new publications!

Illustration for news: Trends in inclusive employment

Trends in inclusive employment

On June 6, 2023, Victoria Antonova, a Leading Research Fellow at the Laboratory, was invited by the "Open Yourself" project took part in the public talk "Trends in inclusive employment".

Illustration for news: A seminar dedicated to the development of inclusive education was held in the Laboratory

A seminar dedicated to the development of inclusive education was held in the Laboratory

A seminar on "Understanding public attitudes and values that influence the development of inclusive education in Uzbekistan" was held at the ILSIR as part of a series of consulting seminars "Care and well-being in post-socialist Eurasia: institutions, discourses, identities".